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A Place To Call HOME

The following is a love letter written from my Higher Self to you in the hopes that you’ll feel the resonance within it and choose to follow the nudge that calls from within:

My love,

You were never born here with the intention to suffer in order to feel whole.

You came here in order to rediscover that the wholeness you search for is you.

You are the divine creator in human form, and you contain magic within your veins.

You have always known this, but you were made to believe in your own lack due to the pressures placed upon you by those who have forgotten their own.

What if you are ready to see what could become of your life if you were to allow you feel enough?

What could be possible for you from this way of being, and how could it feel to embrace it fully?

What if you came here to experience the loss of you so that you could find it again, and what if finding it again requires believing in the notion that it was never missing in the first place, it was simply feeling misplaced due to your own misguided attempts at finding it elsewhere?

And what if your search has led you here, right back to the only place it can ever be found, felt and realized: within?

My child, 

You have come to this place in order to find a feeling that has never been fully allowed because you didn’t believe you deserved to let it in.

But what I desire for you to know is that you are worthy of the things you want most, and you are beyond worthy of feeling them now.

You are love…

And you are beyond loved.

And it is time for you to 1) Recognize this truth and 2) Believe that you could feel the same way too.

Join me in seeing that you are ready for the transformation that lies before you when you are ready to acknowledge where you still feel reluctant to feel at ease, and allowing that experience the time it desires to feel safe enough to let it in.

Because you can have everything you’ve ever wanted and everything you’ve ever needed as soon as you’re willing to admit that the only thing standing in your way is your desire to love you, and your willingness to be with the parts of you who aren’t yet ready to.

Join us inside of this experience if you’re ready for change, and when you’re ready to come back to the only place you’ll ever truly feel seen: within you and forever with you.



Love is oneness.

Love is the frequency of creation and the universe itself.

You are a divine being in human form, and at your core, you are love.

You were taught to believe that love from you to you needs to be earned, and so you only allow it sparingly.

But what if you were ready to offer it freely?

What could be possible for you to create when you vibrate at the frequency of creation itself?

Your Higher Self is the version of you that loves you unconditionally…what could be possible for you when you embrace you as they do, and expand into that version of you, too?

HOME is a place where you’re given the opportunity to learn to love you unconditionally by witnessing, feeling and allowing the parts of you that still subtly hold it at bay.


When you can bring compassion to the parts of you that resist it (and you), you begin to see that softening into who you are offers peace where you’ve felt fear, and provides an opportunity to be at ease where you’ve been in pain.

When we think of home, we imagine a person, a place, or a perspective that allows us to feel safe to be who we are, and to feel loved no matter what.

What if you could create a home within you so that you can feel safe to be you, unconditionally, always?

And what if loving you is the way?

To love you is to realize you, and to realize you is to embrace every aspect of your soul’s consciousness.

What could be more powerful and transcendent than that in a world that embraces fear first?

Home is you, fully and unconditionally embodied.

Home is love, and so are you.

Welcome home.

What to expect inside of HOME


  Tier 1: Learning to feel at home within you (a completely free experience)


We’ve been taught that feeling is hard, but what’s more true is that NOT ALLOWING YOU TO BE YOU is.

Perhaps the concept of showing yourself love and compassion is new to you, and the thought of feeling what you’re used to running from is intimidating.

This is a tier for those who are ready to learn how to gently witness and allow the parts of you that you’ve been unable or unwilling to until now, and in doing so, begin to access more unconditional love within you, increase your vibration, embody more of your Higher Self, trust your intuitive nudges, and foster the confidence to show up in life in a more aligned way.

This tier includes:

  • Monthly live events centered around challenges we all face inside of our spiritual awakening and daily life, designed to help you shift your perspective of you, bring more love and compassion to you, and begin to witness and accept the parts of you that you still struggle to. Each event is recorded and uploaded into the library in case you can’t make it live.

  • An archive of channeled messages, guided meditations, somatic exercises, and worksheets to deepen self-reflection and uncover unconscious beliefs.

  • An intimate community of open hearted and like-minded people walking a similar path as you.


There is incredible power in feeling connected to each other as we find our way forward in a world that none of us ever truly fit into in the traditional way.


Witnessing others in this evolution - and being witnessed by others as you take risks and try on new ways of expressing yourself - is the magic.


Using this community you will have the opportunity to share stories, support one other on your journey, and connect in order to practice your gifts, elevating one another as you go.


  Tier 2: A deeper exploration of you with the purpose of opening to your soul’s fullest expression (COMING SOON)


Your Higher Self will be invited forward to lead and guide you “in.” You will be working closely alongside them to deepen your experience of you, and in doing so, recognize that they are no different from you.

Because by feeling more of you, you feel more of them too, and begin to understand that they are you when you can allow your experience of you to be all that’s needed.

This is a true partnership between human and soul in order to expand consciousness, and allow your human experience to guide you where you deeply desire to go.

This is the tier for those who are ready to embody their Highest Self through direct observation, connection with, and acceptance of all that’s there within them.

This tier is a month-long immersion with 1 event per week, each one building on the last. At the beginning of the month your Higher Self works with you to determine where your focus will lie for that month, and over the course of the next 4 weeks, helps you to facilitate the transformation desired.


When the month is complete, the immersion starts over and the work may shift focus or may stay the same depending on what’s needed by that individual.

Each event will be completely unique depending on those present and what they’re personally going through, but the integrity of the container will remain intact. A sample outline of what to expect from each week can be found below: 

Week 1: Witnessing You

With the help of your Higher Self, you will be shown a vision of your deepest desires and what’s possible for you over the course of the next month if you are willing to believe in you to create it.

Your Higher Self will lead you “in” to a part of you that’s feeling frustrated, lost, disconnected, confused or getting in the way of what you want, and you will be guided on how to witness this part as it shows up in your daily life, in order to become more intimately connected to these more unconscious parts of you and how they affect you.

Week 2: Feeling You

Now that you’ve created awareness of this part of you, you’ll be guided to feel it with an open heart without any need to change it. This will be a process of learning how to unconditionally love you by feeling and allowing all of you, and in doing so, embodying your soul’s highest expression and elevating your frequency in the process.

It will be an exploration of discovering how you feel and what changes in your life when you shift your relationship with these parts of you from judgment and resistance, to compassion and grace.

Week 3: Leading You

Now that you’ve witnessed these parts of you in action and you’ve learned how to show them compassion, it’s time to see what changes as you move towards what you want in this new way.


This is a time to take the action you’ve been craving, and witnessing and being with the parts of you that might not be ready to.

Week 4: Forgiving You

This final experience is about regrouping from the past month, acknowledging what you’ve learned, and how you can begin to set the stage for what comes next. It’s about forgiveness, gratitude and thanks, and setting the stage for whatever’s needed to continue on the journey ahead.


*It is recommended that you give this tier at least 1 month of undivided attention in order to get the full experience, and if you join midway through the month, that you watch the replays of the sessions you missed in the previous weeks in order to stay caught up as each one builds upon the last.

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